
8 posts

Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 21 in C major “Waldstein”

BeethovenYouTube affords us the ability to compare different interpretations of the same classical music piece. After listening to numerous interpretations of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 21 in C Major, op. 53 “Waldstein”, I personally like Wilhelm Kempff’s interpretation the best. A close second favorite is András Schiff. I also like Stephen Kovacevich and Daniel Barenboim but I found Kempff and Schiff sound better. For me, Alfred Brendel and Vladimir Ashkenazy are too deliberate in their playing of Beethoven’s piano sonatas and not enough passion. I have no doubt about their techniques, but I wonder if Brendel and Ashkenazy’s personalities are not fit for playing Beethoven. Understand, of course, that is just my personal opinion. Martha Argerich is way too fast, and it feels like she is trying to catch a train that is about to leave station. Artur Schnabel is a little too fast but otherwise I quite like his interpretation. Finally, Richard Goode doesn’t sound very clear to me on YouTube and I am not sure if that’s how he played or just the recording.

What do you think? Who is your favor Beethoven piano sonatas’ interpreter?

Here are the links:

Sheet Music: http://imslp.org/wiki/Piano_Sonata_No.21,_Op.53_(Beethoven,_Ludwig_van)


Baby Don’t You Cry (The Pie Song)


昨晚就如同往常一般,電視上播著Lifetime的電影,我則是坐在客廳的沙發上寫網誌。電視裡面正播出一個餐廳女侍的故事。我偶爾喵個電視一兩眼,大概知道它在演什麼,卻又沒有特別的注意。突然之間,電視中傳出一首歌曲 Baby don’t you cry gonna make a pie, Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle…原來是女主角唱個自己肚子裡的小孩聽的歌。不知為何,這首歌緊緊的抓住了我的心,所以我立刻上網找了這首歌。原來這首歌的歌名叫做Baby Don’t You Cry,是電影的編劇兼導演Adrienne Shelly為配合電影劇情所寫的一首歌。再繼續查下去才知道這部電影的片名叫做Waitress(台灣翻譯為「女侍情緣」)。這部電影不是Lifetime自己製播的二流電影,而是曾經在全美電影院上映的一部小品。電影其實拍得很感人,但是不幸的是本片的導演兼編劇、還同時在片中客串一角的Adrienne Shelly卻在電影上片之前就在自己的家裡遭到搶匪勒斃。

電影不錯,但是我更喜歡的是Baby Don’t You Cry這首歌:


Baby Don’t You Cry (The Pie Song)
by Adrienne Shelly and sung by Quincy Coleman

When the world is gray and bleak
Baby don’t you cry
I will give you every bit of love that is in my heart
I will bake it up… into a simple little pie

Baby don’t you cry gonna make a pie
Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle
Baby don’t be blue
Gonna make for you
Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle
Gonna be a pie from the heaven above
Gonna be filled with strawberry love

Baby don’t you cry
Gonna make a pie
Hold you forever in the middle of my heart.

Baby heres the sun
Baby heres the sky
Baby I’m the light and I’m your shelter
Baby you are mine
I could freeze the time

Keep you in my kitchen with me forever
Gonna be a pie from the heaven above
Gonna be filled with strawberry love

Baby don’t you cry
Gonna make a pie
Hold you forever in the middle of my heart.

Gonna bake a pie from the heaven above
Gonna be filled with butterscotch love

Gonna be a pie from the heaven above
Gonna be filled with banana cream love

Baby don’t you cry
Gonna make a pie

Hold you forever x 2
Hold you forever in the middle of my heart


不久之前我寫過一篇關於台灣和美國的歌唱比賽的文章。當然,歌唱比賽是沒有地域性的,英國也有一個類似的節目叫做 Britain’s Got Talent 。如果就人口上來說,英國並不是一個人口非常稠密的國家。但是,英國出過許多世界有名的歌手或是歌唱團體像是當年紅遍天下的 The Beatles (台灣翻譯作披頭四)、比較現代的 Elton John (台灣翻譯作艾爾頓·強)、以及幾年前甚紅的 Spice Girls (台灣翻譯作辣妹合唱團)。

之所以會寫這篇文章是因為我在 Youtube 上看到兩段 Britain’s Got Talent 的影片。這兩個唱歌的人一位叫做 Susan Boyle ,另外一位叫做 Paul Potts 。這兩個人的長相實在是不怎麼樣-可以說是完全沒有成為明星的本錢。可是呀可是,當歌聲從他們兩個人的口中湧流出來的時候,啊!那種感覺你們自己去體會吧!

很不幸的影片連結都被砍了,所以請你們自己到 Youtube 上去搜尋 Susan Boyle 和 Paul Potts 。


歌唱比賽大概是從有電視以來最歷久不衰的節目。美國早期有 The Original Amateur Hour ,現在則有全美收視率第一的 American Idol。台灣也不落人後,從30年前的五燈獎到今天的星光大道。同樣都是唱歌,但是藉由不同的安排,讓這樣一個古老的節目形式在今天依然深受大眾的歡迎。

台灣的星光大道我看的不多,美國的 American Idol 這幾年我們家倒是忠實觀眾。星光大道和 American Idol 都曾經有一個令我聽他們唱歌聽到起雞皮疙瘩的歌手。星光大道是徐佳瑩唱自己創作的身騎白馬抒情版、 American Idol 是兩個禮拜前的 Adam Lambert 唱 Michael Jackson 的 Black and White。
