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學校的事沒什麼特別的。Spring的時候我自找麻煩的去教了一門大三的課-生涯與職業規劃。那是我第一次教書,而且還不是用我的母語。結果為了準備課程花了我太多的時間,搞的我那個學期的成績不盡理想。春季班一結束,夏季課程就馬上開始了。我們學校的夏季課程是緊接著春季跟秋季課程開的。因此,我今年到現在還沒有放超過一個禮拜的假。上課上了一整年,倒是發現自己對現在念的科目越來越有興趣,沒有什麼倦怠的感覺。只是覺得時間不夠用,希望有更多的時間能拿來唸書。這個學期我評估了一下是不能再不自量力的去教書了,但是為了增加我的校務經驗,我每個禮拜花八個小時到Student Rights and Responsibilities Office (SRR)實習。SRR的功能有點像台灣的大學中的訓導處,但也不是完全的相像。由於我們學校是個很大的學校,學生有的時候難免會觸犯一些法律而被警察逮捕。最常發生的狀況是未滿 21歲喝酒被警察捉到。我的責任是審查警察局送來的報告,決定是不是要根據校規起訴學生。如果決定要起訴學生,我還要聽學生以及證人的辯護,然後決定是否要懲處。我很喜歡這個工作,因為它讓我有很多的機會接觸學生。我不但可以應用心理輔導以及教育行政的知識,也可以更多的瞭解美國大學生的生活。到目前為止我還沒有把任何學生踢出學校–意思是說我是個好人。



願 神以祂的臉光照你,賜你平安!

祝 聖誕快樂,新年如意!

English Version:

It has been another year passed and I hope that you are ready for another newsletter from me. This has been a cold winter for Florida because the temperature has already dropped to the freezing point in November. This also has been a busy year for me from the first day of the year. Because the summer semester at Florida State University is tightly connected to spring and fall semester, I have taken classes and worked for a whole year without a break more than a week. Fortunately, I am going back to Taiwan this winter break for a month, and I am very excited about this. I have not been home for two and a half years. Most of my college buddies have married and some of them have already had kids. I cannot wait to see all my families and friends, especially my college buddies’ kids!

One day in the past summer, I went to FSU health center to see a doctor for my seasonal allergy. After reviewing my medical records, the doctor told me that I had a tendency of high blood pressure. I was shocked by the news. Since my life was filled by school assignments, papers, works, and church services, I did not have much time to cook (yes, I admit that I do not like cooking) and to do exercise. The result was that I ate a lot of canned food and I probably did exercise once during the year. No wonder I had the tendency of high blood pressure. After I was warned by the doctor, I began to run at least once a week and tried to spend more time to cook for myself (though I still don’t like cooking). My blood pressure has returned to normal range in the last several months, but I will keep doing exercise and monitoring my own health.

This past year was a traveling year for me. I went to Boston in March to attend a national conference for student affairs professionals. Since Boston was not far from New York, I took the opportunity to visit New York City with an American friend. In New York, I went to the Ground Zero of the old Twin Towers. It was a very sad place. Every time when I recalled that place, I reminded myself how much we, as human beings, need the salvation and love from God. Without the love from God, we are just going to destroy ourselves. After visiting the Ground Zero, we went to see a Broadway show – Les Miserables. It was a great show and I could not stop myself from crying again and again. I wish that I will have opportunities to go back to New York and see other Broadway shows.

Coming back from New York, I then went to Chicago in July with my professor and colleagues to present in a local conference. Chicago was a beautiful city and I liked its buildings because they were very unique. However, the summer of Chicago was like a furnace – very very hot. After the Chicago conference, I then went to Gainesville, Florida in October to lead a team presentation in another conference. It was fun, but I wish that we could have more audience. Coming back from Gainesville, I then flew to Raleigh, North Carolina with my professor for another student conference. It was a conference about student spirituality and it was a very special and interesting conference.

Traveling was fun, but the consequence is that I have to spend more time working on my assignments and papers when I was in town. In the spring semester, I took nine credit hours courses plus one teaching job. It was a memorable semester because I still don’t understand how I survived that semester. I have never taught a college class before. Can you image that my first time teaching was teaching a junior level college course using my second language? Although it was a three credit hours class, it took my about 10 to 15 hours a week to prepare it. Teaching a course plus my own assistantship job and 9 credit hours course – no wonder I had the tendency of high blood pressure!

This semester I decided not to teach again. Instead, I got an internship in the Office of Students Rights and Responsibilities. My regular duties included reviewing police reports, drawing charges against offending students, and hearing the cases. So far I have not dismissed or suspended any student from FSU – I mean that I am a pretty nice hearing officer : Anyway! I like this job because it gave me an opportunity to interact with students and to understand their lives.

There is not much to say about the church. I am still in the Tallahassee Chinese Christian Church and serving as a counselor for the youth group. We still have no pastor and I wish you can pray for this for our church. Other than that, please also pray for my study and my service in the church. If you have question about my relationship, then you can add it to your pray list. Overall, I am pretty happy with my life in Florida.

If you are willing, please send an email and let me know you are doing.

Merry Christmas! May God’s grace and peace be with you!


If you would like to read the English version, please click here.

經過三年的學習,我在今年的八月從University of North Texas畢業拿到我的心裡諮商碩士學位。感謝 神的帶領與保守。這三年來的一切都是 神的恩典。我要特別感謝我最親愛的父母親不斷的鼓勵我和支持我的學習並且提供我經濟上的支援。除了我的家人,我也要特別的感謝在Denton的牧師、弟兄姊妹、和朋友在這三年裡對我的照顧。我要特別感謝Peter牧師這三年來在屬靈上的教導,他幫助我對 神的話語有更深的認識,也引發我對 神話語以及神學的興趣。再者是Denton Chinese Church的弟兄姊妹在這三年中對我的照顧及幫助。我無法在此一一的列出每一個幫助過我的人的名字,但是我常在禱告中紀念你們。願 神祝福你們為祂所默默擺上的服事。最後,我也要感謝UNT International Welcome Center的上司及同事。我在這辦公室工作的兩年時間是我工作經驗中最愉快的兩年。還有很多人我想感謝的,如果一一的列出來恐怕篇幅就不夠了。但是我希望你們知道我常常感謝 神把你們放在我的生命中,你們都是我生命中的福份。

經過兩天二十個小時的旅程,我來到了一個新的城市- Tallahassee, Florida開始我另外一個階段的學習。很多人一定沒有聽過Tallahassee這個都市,更不會知道她是Florida的首府。不過,去年的美國總統大選倒是大大的打響了Tallahassee的名號。來自全美國各地的記者齊聚此地來報導這場不斷重新開票的選舉熱仗。


剛來到Tallahassee的前幾個禮拜一直覺得很不習慣。畢竟,家人都不在身邊,而我的朋友也大都住在Texas。但是感謝 神,祂賜給我許多及時的幫助。很多教會、同學會的弟兄姊妹和朋友們提供我很多的幫助。另外,我的美國同學們也非常的接納我,幫助我很快的適應博士班的功課和生活。感謝 神,因為我知道這一切都是祂的恩典。

我目前在Florida State University的Department of Educational Leadership攻讀博士學位。雖然只是第一個學期,教授們卻已經常常提醒我們要開始思考我們的博士論文要做什麼。我目前想要做的有兩方面︰第一是大學生的靈性發展(spiritual development),其次是學校應該如何幫助年輕的單親媽媽完成她們的大學學位。目前我還不能確定將會選哪一個做我的博士論文題目。因此,請為我的博士論文題目代禱。另外,我明年將要教一門大三的課︰生涯發展與規劃。這是我第一次教美國大學生,心理有點緊張。除此以外,我將繼續在Center for the Study of Values in College Student Development擔任研究助理和網站管理。在塔城教會,我將會擔任大專團契的輔導,所以也請為我的事奉代禱。請讓我知道您的近況和代禱事項,好讓我在主裡常常紀念您。祝您聖誕快樂,新年蒙恩。

English Version:

After three years of study in Denton, Texas, I finally graduated from University of North Texas and got my M.S. degree in Counseling. I am very thankful for everything God has given me in the last three years in Texas. Our God is a faithful God. I thank God for everything He gave and took from me in the last three years.

I want to thank many people for their help in the last three years. First, I want to thank my parents for their continuously encouragement and financial supports. Second, I want to thank Pastor Peter in Denton Chinese Church. He provided profound spiritual guidance and Bible teaching for me. He also guided me to be more serious in God’s words and to seek God’s guidance in everything. Third, I want to thank all the brothers, sisters, and friends in Denton Chinese Church, UNT International Welcome Center, UNT Counseling Department, and Denton County Friends of the Family. Without your support and help, I would not be able to finish the degree. Although I do not have the space to list all your names here, I want you to know that I pray for you everyday. You are God’s blessings for me.

After driving alone for twenty hours in two days, I finally arrive at my new home – Tallahassee, Florida. Tallahassee is the capital city for the state of Florida. However, many people probably do not know that Tallahassee is a capital city until 2000 Presidential Election. People always think about Disney, Miami, and Palm Beach when they hear about Florida. When I told people that I was going to study at the Florida State University, many of them ask me “are you going to somewhere close to Disney?” No, I will visit Disney some day, but I have to study hard first.

My first impression of Tallahassee was “wow! Am I moving to a forest?” Compared with Texas, Tallahassee is like a forest. The weather in Tallahassee is very comfortable. The only drawback is the humid weather that makes mildew very easy to grow.

Thank God for bringing me to Tallahassee. Life was somewhat harsh in the first several weeks in Tallahassee. I missed my family in Taiwan and my friends in Texas. However, thank people from Tallahassee Chinese Christian Church and Chinese Student Association who helped me a lot in move in and learn about the new place. I especially want to thank professors and my fellow students in Florida State University Higher Education Department. They made me feel like I was one of the department and they helped me a lot in learning and adjusting to the new learning environment. I thank God for bringing me to the new place and knowing that He has the best plan for me. I will follow His lead and study hard. I will also serve Him and people in Tallahassee.

I am currently a Ph.D. student at Florida State University Higher Education Department. Though this is my first semester, I have already begun to think about my dissertation topic. I currently have two proposals in mind. The first one is college student’s spiritual development, and the other one is single mother’s experience in higher education. I need more time to explore both topics. Please pray for me that I can make a wise decision regarding my dissertation topic.

Next semester I will teach career development class at FSU. This will be the first time I teach American college students. Therefore, I am kind of nervous. Please pray for me that I can do a good job. I will keep doing my assistantship in the Center for the Study of Values in College Student Development as a research assistant and webmaster. In the church, I will help in college student ministry and I will be their counselor.

Please let me know your news and prayer requests so that I can remember you in my prayers. Merry Christmas and may God’s grace and peace be with you.


This is the first time I try to use English to write my annual prayer letter. If you want to read the English version, please press here.


又到了一年一度的聖誕節,我又不厭其煩的來寫我的年終回顧了。今年我決定要做一些不太一樣的事情。往年,我都是把我的年終回顧附在聖誕卡中寄給您。今年,因為大部分的朋友們都有了電子郵件帳號,我決定把買聖誕卡片的錢及寄卡片的郵費省下來。我把這些錢另外加上一些捐給了聯合國兒童救助基金(United Nations Children’s Fund)。我之所以這樣做是因為今年心中有一個很強烈的感受就是我如今能過這樣的生活實在是 神太過豐盛的恩典。雖然我沒有很多錢,而且我所用的錢大部分也是靠我親愛的父母親支助的,但我還是希望能省下一點點生活的開銷來幫助那些在寒冷的冬天中沒有食物吃,沒有衣服穿的兒童們。因此,親愛的朋友,今年您將不會收到任何從我寄出的聖誕禮物或是聖誕卡片。但是願您與我一樣有一顆喜樂的心來讚美並感謝 神豐盛的預備。

今年聖誕節是我在美國的第三個聖誕節。回想過去這兩年半的時光,心中真是百感交集。每當我回想過去這兩年半的時候,詩篇139篇就會出現在我的心頭-詩人大衛向 神說:


作為一個從小在基督教家庭長大的基督徒,我一直都知道自己跟 神的關係雖然存在,卻不深刻也不親近。從小到大我沒有經歷過什麼大風大浪。因此,我雖然知道跟 神的關係很重要,但是卻僅只於理性上的知道而已。我的心中,卻未曾經歷過與主親近是怎樣的一種經驗。在這過去的兩年半的歲月中,我卻深深的經歷到主耶穌的同在是何等的寶貴。就如同大衛在詩篇139篇中所說的,當我覺得自己已經被黑暗所遮蔽,周圍的亮光都變成為黑夜的時候, 神並沒有離棄我。當我面對痛苦與試探的時候,祂用祂奇妙的雙手來安慰我與引導我。如今,我想要大聲的告訴您主耶穌是我唯一的救主,真的,祂也是您唯一個救主。我不再只是理性上知道,而是真實的經歷了 神的帶領。如今活著的不再是我,乃是基督在我這不配的罪人裡面活著。我要大聲的感謝與讚美那救我的主,也要感謝那些不斷的用禱告來支持我的長輩和朋友們。我另外也要感謝那些在我我痛苦的時候給我幫助與扶持的牧者長輩與弟兄姊妹們,還有那些在我對您們冷酷無情的時候依然默默守候在我身後的弟兄姊妹和朋友們。願 神鑒察你們所作的一切,並且施恩與您們。

課業方面,感謝 神的帶領,雖然沒有辦法把所有的科目都拿到A,但成績也還不至於太差。我最近常常回想剛剛進入諮商這個領域的時後心中所經歷的恐慌與掙扎–特別是當遇到信仰與諮商理論衝突的時候,心中真不知道該如何是好。好在這兩年半的時間裡,有許多的牧師、長輩、基督徒的教授、以及弟兄姊妹們都給我許多的幫助。如今,我雖然只是一個新手,至少我不再像兩年半前那樣的焦慮與恐慌。我相信 主耶穌仍然是唯一的救主。然而,帶領人到主耶穌面前卻有不同的方法。我們不能面對一個即將要餓死的人不給他們食物吃卻說:「你只要相信主耶穌,祂必定拯救你。我會為你禱告!」一個快要餓死的人最需要的是食物,然後你才能把救恩帶給他。同樣的,一個受傷的人最需要的是有人扶持他站起來,包紮他的傷口,帶領他去看醫生。主耶穌是大能的醫生,能夠醫治一切的創傷與疾病,而我們是那個扶持受傷的人站起來,包紮他的傷口,帶領他到主耶穌面前來的人。我知道在我的生命中還有許許多多要學習的功課。我願求主幫助,讓我一生行在祂所預備的道路上。

如果一切順利的進行,明年大部分的時間我將會在Denton的社區諮商中心擔任實習諮商員。西元二○○一年年底之前,我應能取得碩士學位。然後呢?許多長輩、朋友、弟兄姊妹們都很關心我前途的方向。我的答案是我不知道。我心中的確有幾個不同的打算,但是現階段我願意等候 神的帶領,讓祂來掌管我前途一切的方向。


  1. 求 神幫助我的靈命能夠更加的長大成熟。讓我能夠榮耀 神、服事身邊的弟兄姊妹們、同時也能夠幫助更多還未信主的朋友來認識主。
  2. 求 神幫助我能夠完全的倚靠祂來面對教會、學校、生活中、實習中所遭遇的一切困難與挑戰。並求 神賜我健康與足夠的體力來面對每週二十小時的學校工作以及二十小時的機構實習。
  3. 求 神帶領並且指引我畢業後的方向。


願 神祝福您有個恩典滿溢的聖誕節,並有蒙福的新年!

English Version:

Dear Friend,

This is Christmas 2000 and I am writing my annual review to you again. This year, I like to do something different from past. In the last seven years, I used to send my annual review with Christmas card to you, but I am not going to do it this year. Because most of you already have an email account this year, I decide to send the Christmas greeting and my annual review to you by email. The money, which I used to buy Christmas cards and postage, is going to United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The reason for me to do this is because I want to use this a little money to help somebody who is in need. Although I do not have much many, and most of the money comes from my parents, I have never been short of foods or clothes. However, I know there are a lot of people in the world do not have foods or clothes. I hope this a little money can help some children to have foods and clothes in this chilly Christmas season. Therefore, none of you will receive my Christmas gift or Christmas card this year, but I do hope you have a joyful and thankful heart as I have had this year.

This is my third Christmas in the United States. There were too many events happened in my life in the last two and half years. When I recall the memory, there are lots of emotions crowd into my heart. The Psalm 139 always comes up when I think about what happened in my life during the last two and half years. The King David said to the LORD:

“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say,”Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,
even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

As a Christian who grew up in a Christian family, I knew I had a relationship with God but I did not have a profound and intimate relationship with Him. I have never met any serious trouble or crisis in my life. Therefore, though I know the relationship with God is very important, it is only knowledge in my head, not a desire in my heart. However, in the last two and half years, I have experienced how precious it is to have Jesus as my best friend. Just like what King David said in the Psalm 139, when I felt the darkness hid me and the light became night around me, God did not abandon me. When I ran into pains and temptations, He comforted me and guided me by His amazing grace and provident guidance. Now, the only thing I want to do is praising and worship Him. Yes, Jesus is the Lord, and now I do not only know it, but I have experienced it. I am no longer living for myself, but living for my savior Jesus Christ. I want to say thank You, thank You, and thank You to the LORD. I also want to thank those brothers and sisters who prayed for me, those pastors and brothers and sisters who helped me when I suffered, and those brothers and sisters who supported me with your kindness and love when I treated you very unkind. May God watch you and bless you for everything you have done for me.

My study in the counseling program is not too bad though I am not a straight A student. I remember how anxious I was when I just started to study counseling. I went through a lot of struggles between the Christianity and the counseling theories. There are many things in counseling field that I found conflicts with the biblical principles. Fortunately, I have a good pastor, some Christian professors, and good brothers and sisters helped me to go through these struggles. Now, though I am still a novice in counseling, I do have such a great anxious like before. I believe Jesus is the only savior and we are the connectors. We are not able to save anyone, but what we can do is bring people to Jesus and connect them to the savior. I thank God for give me this opportunity to learn counseling and to serve Him.

If everything goes smoothly, I will do my internship in the Denton County Friends of Family from January 2001. Then, if I do my internship well, I will finish my master’s degree before Christmas 2001. Many people ask me what I am going to de after graduation and my answer for you and them are the same: I don’t know. I do have several plans in my mind, but in this stage I would like to wait and pray for God’s will revealed. I want my life to be used by God in His way.

In the end, I have several praying requests. Please remember me in your prayers:

  1. Please pray God helping me to be more mature and strong in spiritual life, so I am able to glorify Him, serve brothers and sisters, and lead unbelievers to Him.
  2. Please pray God helping me to rely on Him for whatever I meet in the church, school, personal life, and counseling internship. Also, I need health body and enough energy to work twenty hours in the school and the other twenty hours in the counseling agency.
  3. Please pray God guiding me for what to do and where to go after graduation.

Please let me know your praying requests and I will pray for you.

May God bless you and give you a wonderful Christmas and New Year with His grace and mercy.