Monthly Archives: December 2001

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經過三年的學習,我在今年的八月從University of North Texas畢業拿到我的心裡諮商碩士學位。感謝 神的帶領與保守。這三年來的一切都是 神的恩典。我要特別感謝我最親愛的父母親不斷的鼓勵我和支持我的學習並且提供我經濟上的支援。除了我的家人,我也要特別的感謝在Denton的牧師、弟兄姊妹、和朋友在這三年裡對我的照顧。我要特別感謝Peter牧師這三年來在屬靈上的教導,他幫助我對 神的話語有更深的認識,也引發我對 神話語以及神學的興趣。再者是Denton Chinese Church的弟兄姊妹在這三年中對我的照顧及幫助。我無法在此一一的列出每一個幫助過我的人的名字,但是我常在禱告中紀念你們。願 神祝福你們為祂所默默擺上的服事。最後,我也要感謝UNT International Welcome Center的上司及同事。我在這辦公室工作的兩年時間是我工作經驗中最愉快的兩年。還有很多人我想感謝的,如果一一的列出來恐怕篇幅就不夠了。但是我希望你們知道我常常感謝 神把你們放在我的生命中,你們都是我生命中的福份。

經過兩天二十個小時的旅程,我來到了一個新的城市- Tallahassee, Florida開始我另外一個階段的學習。很多人一定沒有聽過Tallahassee這個都市,更不會知道她是Florida的首府。不過,去年的美國總統大選倒是大大的打響了Tallahassee的名號。來自全美國各地的記者齊聚此地來報導這場不斷重新開票的選舉熱仗。


剛來到Tallahassee的前幾個禮拜一直覺得很不習慣。畢竟,家人都不在身邊,而我的朋友也大都住在Texas。但是感謝 神,祂賜給我許多及時的幫助。很多教會、同學會的弟兄姊妹和朋友們提供我很多的幫助。另外,我的美國同學們也非常的接納我,幫助我很快的適應博士班的功課和生活。感謝 神,因為我知道這一切都是祂的恩典。

我目前在Florida State University的Department of Educational Leadership攻讀博士學位。雖然只是第一個學期,教授們卻已經常常提醒我們要開始思考我們的博士論文要做什麼。我目前想要做的有兩方面︰第一是大學生的靈性發展(spiritual development),其次是學校應該如何幫助年輕的單親媽媽完成她們的大學學位。目前我還不能確定將會選哪一個做我的博士論文題目。因此,請為我的博士論文題目代禱。另外,我明年將要教一門大三的課︰生涯發展與規劃。這是我第一次教美國大學生,心理有點緊張。除此以外,我將繼續在Center for the Study of Values in College Student Development擔任研究助理和網站管理。在塔城教會,我將會擔任大專團契的輔導,所以也請為我的事奉代禱。請讓我知道您的近況和代禱事項,好讓我在主裡常常紀念您。祝您聖誕快樂,新年蒙恩。

English Version:

After three years of study in Denton, Texas, I finally graduated from University of North Texas and got my M.S. degree in Counseling. I am very thankful for everything God has given me in the last three years in Texas. Our God is a faithful God. I thank God for everything He gave and took from me in the last three years.

I want to thank many people for their help in the last three years. First, I want to thank my parents for their continuously encouragement and financial supports. Second, I want to thank Pastor Peter in Denton Chinese Church. He provided profound spiritual guidance and Bible teaching for me. He also guided me to be more serious in God’s words and to seek God’s guidance in everything. Third, I want to thank all the brothers, sisters, and friends in Denton Chinese Church, UNT International Welcome Center, UNT Counseling Department, and Denton County Friends of the Family. Without your support and help, I would not be able to finish the degree. Although I do not have the space to list all your names here, I want you to know that I pray for you everyday. You are God’s blessings for me.

After driving alone for twenty hours in two days, I finally arrive at my new home – Tallahassee, Florida. Tallahassee is the capital city for the state of Florida. However, many people probably do not know that Tallahassee is a capital city until 2000 Presidential Election. People always think about Disney, Miami, and Palm Beach when they hear about Florida. When I told people that I was going to study at the Florida State University, many of them ask me “are you going to somewhere close to Disney?” No, I will visit Disney some day, but I have to study hard first.

My first impression of Tallahassee was “wow! Am I moving to a forest?” Compared with Texas, Tallahassee is like a forest. The weather in Tallahassee is very comfortable. The only drawback is the humid weather that makes mildew very easy to grow.

Thank God for bringing me to Tallahassee. Life was somewhat harsh in the first several weeks in Tallahassee. I missed my family in Taiwan and my friends in Texas. However, thank people from Tallahassee Chinese Christian Church and Chinese Student Association who helped me a lot in move in and learn about the new place. I especially want to thank professors and my fellow students in Florida State University Higher Education Department. They made me feel like I was one of the department and they helped me a lot in learning and adjusting to the new learning environment. I thank God for bringing me to the new place and knowing that He has the best plan for me. I will follow His lead and study hard. I will also serve Him and people in Tallahassee.

I am currently a Ph.D. student at Florida State University Higher Education Department. Though this is my first semester, I have already begun to think about my dissertation topic. I currently have two proposals in mind. The first one is college student’s spiritual development, and the other one is single mother’s experience in higher education. I need more time to explore both topics. Please pray for me that I can make a wise decision regarding my dissertation topic.

Next semester I will teach career development class at FSU. This will be the first time I teach American college students. Therefore, I am kind of nervous. Please pray for me that I can do a good job. I will keep doing my assistantship in the Center for the Study of Values in College Student Development as a research assistant and webmaster. In the church, I will help in college student ministry and I will be their counselor.

Please let me know your news and prayer requests so that I can remember you in my prayers. Merry Christmas and may God’s grace and peace be with you.