生活中的學習… What I've learned in life…


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學校的事沒什麼特別的。Spring的時候我自找麻煩的去教了一門大三的課-生涯與職業規劃。那是我第一次教書,而且還不是用我的母語。結果為了準備課程花了我太多的時間,搞的我那個學期的成績不盡理想。春季班一結束,夏季課程就馬上開始了。我們學校的夏季課程是緊接著春季跟秋季課程開的。因此,我今年到現在還沒有放超過一個禮拜的假。上課上了一整年,倒是發現自己對現在念的科目越來越有興趣,沒有什麼倦怠的感覺。只是覺得時間不夠用,希望有更多的時間能拿來唸書。這個學期我評估了一下是不能再不自量力的去教書了,但是為了增加我的校務經驗,我每個禮拜花八個小時到Student Rights and Responsibilities Office (SRR)實習。SRR的功能有點像台灣的大學中的訓導處,但也不是完全的相像。由於我們學校是個很大的學校,學生有的時候難免會觸犯一些法律而被警察逮捕。最常發生的狀況是未滿 21歲喝酒被警察捉到。我的責任是審查警察局送來的報告,決定是不是要根據校規起訴學生。如果決定要起訴學生,我還要聽學生以及證人的辯護,然後決定是否要懲處。我很喜歡這個工作,因為它讓我有很多的機會接觸學生。我不但可以應用心理輔導以及教育行政的知識,也可以更多的瞭解美國大學生的生活。到目前為止我還沒有把任何學生踢出學校–意思是說我是個好人。



願 神以祂的臉光照你,賜你平安!

祝 聖誕快樂,新年如意!

English Version:

It has been another year passed and I hope that you are ready for another newsletter from me. This has been a cold winter for Florida because the temperature has already dropped to the freezing point in November. This also has been a busy year for me from the first day of the year. Because the summer semester at Florida State University is tightly connected to spring and fall semester, I have taken classes and worked for a whole year without a break more than a week. Fortunately, I am going back to Taiwan this winter break for a month, and I am very excited about this. I have not been home for two and a half years. Most of my college buddies have married and some of them have already had kids. I cannot wait to see all my families and friends, especially my college buddies’ kids!

One day in the past summer, I went to FSU health center to see a doctor for my seasonal allergy. After reviewing my medical records, the doctor told me that I had a tendency of high blood pressure. I was shocked by the news. Since my life was filled by school assignments, papers, works, and church services, I did not have much time to cook (yes, I admit that I do not like cooking) and to do exercise. The result was that I ate a lot of canned food and I probably did exercise once during the year. No wonder I had the tendency of high blood pressure. After I was warned by the doctor, I began to run at least once a week and tried to spend more time to cook for myself (though I still don’t like cooking). My blood pressure has returned to normal range in the last several months, but I will keep doing exercise and monitoring my own health.

This past year was a traveling year for me. I went to Boston in March to attend a national conference for student affairs professionals. Since Boston was not far from New York, I took the opportunity to visit New York City with an American friend. In New York, I went to the Ground Zero of the old Twin Towers. It was a very sad place. Every time when I recalled that place, I reminded myself how much we, as human beings, need the salvation and love from God. Without the love from God, we are just going to destroy ourselves. After visiting the Ground Zero, we went to see a Broadway show – Les Miserables. It was a great show and I could not stop myself from crying again and again. I wish that I will have opportunities to go back to New York and see other Broadway shows.

Coming back from New York, I then went to Chicago in July with my professor and colleagues to present in a local conference. Chicago was a beautiful city and I liked its buildings because they were very unique. However, the summer of Chicago was like a furnace – very very hot. After the Chicago conference, I then went to Gainesville, Florida in October to lead a team presentation in another conference. It was fun, but I wish that we could have more audience. Coming back from Gainesville, I then flew to Raleigh, North Carolina with my professor for another student conference. It was a conference about student spirituality and it was a very special and interesting conference.

Traveling was fun, but the consequence is that I have to spend more time working on my assignments and papers when I was in town. In the spring semester, I took nine credit hours courses plus one teaching job. It was a memorable semester because I still don’t understand how I survived that semester. I have never taught a college class before. Can you image that my first time teaching was teaching a junior level college course using my second language? Although it was a three credit hours class, it took my about 10 to 15 hours a week to prepare it. Teaching a course plus my own assistantship job and 9 credit hours course – no wonder I had the tendency of high blood pressure!

This semester I decided not to teach again. Instead, I got an internship in the Office of Students Rights and Responsibilities. My regular duties included reviewing police reports, drawing charges against offending students, and hearing the cases. So far I have not dismissed or suspended any student from FSU – I mean that I am a pretty nice hearing officer : Anyway! I like this job because it gave me an opportunity to interact with students and to understand their lives.

There is not much to say about the church. I am still in the Tallahassee Chinese Christian Church and serving as a counselor for the youth group. We still have no pastor and I wish you can pray for this for our church. Other than that, please also pray for my study and my service in the church. If you have question about my relationship, then you can add it to your pray list. Overall, I am pretty happy with my life in Florida.

If you are willing, please send an email and let me know you are doing.

Merry Christmas! May God’s grace and peace be with you!

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