
24 posts


Definition of First Generation College Student

Many students asked me to help them define first generation college student, so I post it here for anyone who is interested.

The definition of First Generation of College Student:

According to Title 20 U.S. Code Sec. 1070a-11(h)(3):

The term “first generation college student” means—
(A) an individual both of whose parents did not complete a baccalaureate degree; or
(B) in the case of any individual who regularly resided with and received support from only one parent, an individual whose only such parent did not complete a baccalaureate degree.

According to National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Report 2000-153:

Education levels were aggregated as follows:

  • First-generation: Both parents have no more than a high school education. Thus, the student would be a member of the first generation in the immediate family to attend college.
  • Some college: One or both parents have some postsecondary education, but neither had attained a bachelor’s degree. This category includes parents with vocational certificates and associate’s degrees as the highest level of attainment.
  • College graduate: One or both parents earned a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Higher Education Journal, Magazine, and Newsletter List

One question that many higher education graduate students have asked is where to find quality research literature. To assist my students in searching for quality research literature in the field of higher education, I compiled a higher education publication list. I publish this list under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License, which means you are free to use and distribute it. If you want to modify and redistribute it, please see the detailed license agreement or contact me.

You will need a PDF reader to read this file. If you do not have a PDF reader installed in your computer, try the free Foxit Reader.

Please download the latest list from http://j.mp/HEpub

My Teaching Philosophy

Here is my teaching philosophy as of August 3, 2010:
  1. I believe that class is a learning community. As a community member, learners are expected to actively participate in class activities, behave civilly and ethically toward each other, challenge each other intellectually, and support each other when needed.
  2. I believe my responsibility as a teacher is to inspire learners, share knowledge and experiences, and facilitate learning habits. The teacher must be a role model of good learning habits as I work hard to advance my knowledge through reading, research, exchanging and sharing knowledge and ideas with others in the profession, and reflection and writing.
  3. I expect the learners of my class to remember key facts, analyze and synthesize facts and knowledge, integrate the knowledge and reflect on their own experiences, and apply the knowledge in real life situations through research and practice.
  4. I believe the learning objectives and expected outcomes must be clearly communicated to the learners in the beginning of the semester. All class activities, readings, assignments, assessments, and grading standards must be directly tied to the learning objectives.
  5. As future higher education leaders, my students are expected to show professionalism and ethical behaviors in all class-related activities.

NCES/NSF Summer Data Policy Institute – Day 5


今天的行程很簡單,上午有我們的學員跟大家分享他們過去用NCES或是NSF的資料庫所作的研究。中午吃完午餐之後我們分小組做group project。明天上午每個小組要報告他們用這個禮拜所學到的資料庫所做的一個研究。由於我們只有一個下午的時間來準備我們的研究報告,因此這個報告不可能非常的嚴謹。不過我們小組非常的有效率。在大家分工合作之下:有人負責分析資料、有人做文獻探討、有人做PowerPoint…等等,最後我們只花了四個小時就完成了我們這組的小研究計畫。

明天的行程也很簡單。上午吃完早餐之後我們各個小組上台報告我們的研究成果,然後主辦單位做最後的閉幕報告。之後大家就各自回家。我的飛機是下午兩點,所以回到Denton應該是傍晚了。That’s it!


NCES/NSF Summer Data Policy Institute – Day 4


7:30 – 8:30 a.m. 早餐
8:30 – 9:15 a.m. Mid-week evaluation of Institute & Development of Small Groups
9:15 – 10:45 a.m. Survey of Doctorate Recipients Findings on International Collaboration
10:45 – 11:00 a.m. 休息
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Delta Cost Project
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. 午餐
1:30 – 5:00 p.m. NELS, ELS, and HSLS綜覽與示範
6:30 p.m. Joint Dinner at hotel with T-T-T group


第二堂的講員來自Delta Cost Project。他們使用IPEDS的資料經過運算和調整之後來分析大學的財務運作狀況。這個研究者的研究方法比第一個嚴謹許多,而且在教育政策的制定和運作上應該有很大的用處。I like it!

午餐之後我們花了一個下午學習NCES的另外三個長期性的追蹤調查:National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88)、Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:02)、和High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09)。我對於這三個資料庫很有興趣,因為這三個長期性的追蹤調查從學生高中時期開始追蹤他們到高中畢業,上大學,然後到就業。如果沒有上大學的也會繼續追蹤他們高中畢業之後做了些什麼事情。這些資料對於研究者來說是非常有用的資訊,因為研究人員可以分析是什麼因素讓高中生決定升學或是不升學,還有什麼因素影響學生在大學裡的學業表現,以及他們畢業之後的就業情況。


另外一個不同的地方是NELS和ELS是屬於NCES下的中小學教育組所管轄的,前幾天學到的IPEDS, BPS, 和B&B則是高等教育組的產品。由於這些資料庫是由不同的單位所發展跟管理的,因此他們所用的線上管理工具也不同:IPEDS有IPEDS Data Center,BPS和B&B有PowerStats,而ELS和NELS則有eDAT。我不能理解同樣都是NCES的資料庫,他們為什麼不能整合一下他們的管理工具呢?這麼多種不同的資料管理工具讓我們這些使用者很困擾。

