Daily Archives: January 19, 2004

2 posts

Citizen King


你聽過Martin Luther King, Jr. (金恩博士)講道嗎?如果你聽過Martin Luther King講道或是演講,你就知道他的power比一般的黑人牧師還要強100倍。

這個世界上我最敬佩的人不是孫中山、不是蔣介石,而是Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.如果你對美國的黑人民權運動有點了解,你便知道在當時的各種逼迫之下要堅持Non-violence(非暴力手段)的抗爭需要多大的勇氣跟毅力。當然,Martin不是神,Martin也有失敗的時候,也有灰心喪氣的時候。但是我從他身上學到的是不管在任何的情況下都緊緊的抓著神的應許,並完成神所託付的使命。

1968年二月四號,Dr. King在他所牧養的亞特蘭大Ebenezer Baptist Church講道的時候談到如果有一天他死了,他希望人在家他的追思禮拜上說些什麼。這篇講道被我印出來貼在我的牆上,因為我真的非常喜歡這篇講道。這裡是其中的一段:

I’d like somebody to mention that day that Martin Luther King, Jr., tried to give his life serving others.
I’d like for somebody to say that day that Martin Luther King, Jr., tried to love somebody.
I want you to say that day that I tried to be right on the war question.
I want you to be able to say that day that I did try to feed the hungry.
And I want you to be able to say that day that I did try in my life to clothe those who were naked.
I want you to say on that day that I did try in my life to visit those who were in prison.
I want you to say that I tried to love and serve humanity.

If I can help somebody as I pass along,
If I can cheer somebody with a word or song,
If I can show somebody he’s traveling wrong,
Then my living will not be in vain.
If I can do my duty as a Christian ought,
If I can bring salvation to a world once wrought,
If I can spread the message as the master taught,
Then my living will not be in vain.

在Dr. King發表完這篇講道後兩個月,西元1968年四月四日,Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.被人刺殺身亡。

Dr. King離開了,但是他把一個有公義與愛的夢留給了我們!



前幾天上課得時候跟學生談到工作的價值觀。根據教科書上的定義,價值觀(values)就是 “something that is important or desirable to you” (抱歉我不知道怎麼把他翻成中文)。有一個心裡學家叫做Martin Katz,他整理出十個跟工作有關的價值觀。這十個價值觀是*:

  1. High income 高收入
  2. Prestige 名望
  3. Independence 工作獨立性
  4. Helping others 幫助他人(非一般性的幫助他人,而是以幫助他人為工作的主要部分)
  5. Security 工作穩定性
  6. Variety 工作有變化而非一成不變
  7. Leadership 領導地位
  8. Work in your main field of interest 工作在你有興趣的領域
  9. Leisure 休閒
  10. Early entry 工作所需的教育程度




*Reardon, R. C., Lenz, J. G., Sampson, J. P., & Peterson, G. W. (2000). Career development and planning: A comprehensive approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.